
Premium Malt’s x Hirose Suzu New CM “The sky makes you want to start!” will be available from April 22nd


CM Overview

April 22, 2024

Suntory will release a new web–CM for “The Premium Malt’s Japanese Ale Fragrant Ale” featuring Suzu Hirose. In the commercial, Hirose’s expression is shown as she enjoys her free time under a clear blue sky.

CM capture

CM video

ザ・プレミアム・モルツ 〈ジャパニーズエール〉香るエール『はじめたくなる、空ですね!』篇 15秒 広瀬す... 部屋の中でくつろいでいる主人公がふとベランダから外を見ると、気持ちのいい青空が広がっています。その青空を見て、「なんかするかー!」と一言。一体何をはじめるのでし...

CM Cast

  • Hirose Suzu


■CM Story

In the “It’s the sky that makes you want to start!” episode, Hirose is seen relaxing in her room, inspired by the pleasant blue sky seen from the balcony, enjoying her free time. She arranges potted plants and washes her shoes while spending time with “The Premium Malt’s Japanese Ale Fragrant Ale”. In the scene where she paints a potted plant, she is engrossed in the task despite the difficulty, and exclaims “It’s great!”. Finally, while drinking a beer, she mutters “It’s delicious…” and concludes with a look of her happily thinking about what she wants to do next.

■Filming episodes

On the day of the shoot, Hirose appeared in a casual T-shirt and a bun, performed her acting perfectly, and the shoot proceeded in a fun atmosphere. The shoot proceeded while she was talking to the staff, and the staff especially praised her for the scene where she drinks beer. In the scene where she paints a flowerpot, her enthusiastic appearance was impressive, even though the paint got on her hands and clothes. The shoot ended in a peaceful atmosphere, and everyone was saying, “Perfect!”


いいね または フォローしてね!

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