
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance’s new commercial “My Link Coordinator Aki’s Growth” released, with Studio Chizu’s production adding depth to the story


CM Overview

Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance’s new CM “My Link Coordinator Aki’s Growth” depicts Aki’s growth and her career through animation. The CM highlights the insurance advisor’s role in enriching the lives of clients and their families, with a particular focus on contributing to the community and personal growth. The CM’s narrative captures Aki’s growing confidence and professional development with the support of her clients and the community. Aki’s mother, Ayaka, also appears, marking a new development in the mother-daughter baton handover.

CM capture

CM video

「MYリンクコーディネーター 亜希の成長」篇 MYリンクコーディネーターCMシリーズ第3弾。明治安田の営業職員「MYリンクコーディネーター」のイメージキャラクター「環 亜希(たまき あき)」さんが、入社2年目を迎...

CM cast

  • Animation director, Hiroyasu Aoki


In the new commercial “My Link Coordinator Aki’s Growth,” we use animation to depict Aki’s growth process. We are particular about the character’s expressions and movements, and aim for storytelling that viewers can easily empathize with. Aki overcomes many difficulties, goes through the process of gaining the trust of her customers, and achieves independence as a full-fledged insurance advisor. This story will be encouraging to viewers as well.


いいね または フォローしてね!

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