CM Overview
ACOM’s new CM series “Samurai Big 3” is set in a fictional Azuchi-Momoyama period, with Suzuki Nobuyuki playing Oda Nobunaga, Kamaitachi Hamaie Ryuichi playing Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Yamauchi Kenji playing Tokugawa Ieyasu. The CM has the theme of “three people talking about plans,” and the three are comically depicted planning a trip to a southern island. The highlight is the surreal contrast of them as characters from the Warring States period making modern-day travel plans.
CM capture
CM video
CM cast
- Suzuki Nobuyuki, Kamaitachi Hamaie Ryuichi, Yamauchi Kenji
In this commercial, Suzuki Nobuyuki, Kamaitachi Hamaie Ryuichi, and Yamauchi Kenji each play historical figures and entertain viewers with their modern conversations and actions. In particular, the scenes where they talk about their plans and suggest travel destinations to each other are humorously expressed.