
Kohei Matsushita becomes the face of the Mother’s Day campaign! HanaCupid’s new commercial “Bring a smile to Mother’s Day with flowers”

母の日2024-母の日は花キューピット 今年は僕から篇<松下洸平>30秒|-花キューピット-0-14-screenshot

CM Overview

HanaCupid has welcomed actor Matsushita Kohei as the new face of its 2024 Mother’s Day campaign, and plans to release a new commercial in mid-April. As part of the “Mother’s Day Special Campaign,” the commercial depicts Matsushita holding a carnation and expressing gratitude to his mother. The commercial begins with a warm scene in the home, and appeals to the importance of giving flowers on Mother’s Day through Matsushita choosing flowers to express his gratitude to his mother.

CM capture

花キューピット 今年は僕から篇<松下洸平>

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CM Cast

  • Matsushita Kohei


Matsushita Kohei is the new face of the campaign, starring in a heartwarming commercial about giving flowers on Mother’s Day. During filming, he is particularly emotional in the scene where he expresses his gratitude to his mother, and his performance reminds viewers of the special meaning of Mother’s Day. In the campaign before the commercial is released, a special event is planned where Matsushita will personally hand over flowers he picked to his fans, matching his personality with the campaign’s message.

母の日2024-母の日は花キューピット 今年は僕から篇<松下洸平>30秒|-花キューピット-0-14-screenshot

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