Yui Aragaki shows the evolution of “Sekkisei” in the “Medicated Sekkisei Brightening Essence Lotion” commercial “A new form of whitening”

『薬用雪肌精』新TVCM「新しい美白のカタチ」篇 30秒-0-11-screenshot

CM Overview

KOSE Corporation began airing a new commercial for “Medicated Sekkisei Brightening Essence Lotion” titled “A New Form of Whitening” on February 22, 2024. This commercial features Yui Aragaki, introducing a new lotion containing licorice-derived active ingredients that have the dual effects of whitening and preventing rough skin. Wrapped in a blue veil, Aragaki expresses a new form of whitening and delicately conveys the features and effects of the product. As a new approach to whitening care, the commercial presents the viewer with a new world of Sekkisei and leads them to skin that is full of transparency.

CM capture


CM video

『薬用雪肌精』新TVCM「新しい美白のカタチ」篇 30秒 新しく誕生した「薬用雪肌精 ブライトニング エッセンス ローション(販売名:雪肌精 化粧水)」は、既存の「薬用雪肌精」のみずみずしく浸透感(※2)のある使い心地を...

CM Cast

  • Yui Aragaki


Yui Aragaki uses the first double-function lotion in Japan in the new commercial, and demonstrates its effects in a realistic way. Her clear acting and comments about the product’s whitening and skin-irritation prevention effects have attracted attention, proposing a new concept of whitening to viewers. In the commercial, Aragaki personally tests the effects of the new product and shares her impressions based on her experience.


『薬用雪肌精』新TVCM「新しい美白のカタチ」篇 30秒-0-11-screenshot

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