
The new “&be” commercial featuring brand ambassador INI will be released on Monday, February 19th!


CM Overview

From a press release from Clue Co., Ltd., &be, produced by hair and makeup artist Yusuke Kawakita, welcomed INI as a brand ambassador and released a new commercial on February 19, 2024. In this commercial, the members of INI are dressed in American West Coast style fashion and show off makeup using the new products “UV Primer”, “Matte Primer” and “Fun Sealer” in a video that evokes the atmosphere of the West Coast. The video invites you to a world that is one step away from the everyday and is an appealing expression of the product’s features.

CM capture

CM video

be simple, be happy, shine and you. ブランドアンバサダーのINIが出演する 新CM『be simple, be happy, shine and you.』。新CMでは、「&be」の大人気ベースメイクアイテム「&be UVプライマー」「&be マット...

CM cast

  • INI


The new “&be” commercial features members of INI, and was shot using items they actually use. The members were filmed enjoying their favorite activities (dancing, BMX, skateboarding, basketball), and conveyed the appeal of the product in a natural way. In addition, the behind-the-scenes footage shows friendly interactions between the members, allowing viewers to experience the product in a more intimate way.


いいね または フォローしてね!

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