
Takeru Sato enjoys a caramel sandwich in Haagen-Dazs’ new commercial “Crispy Sandwich Bite. Cheer up.”

ハーゲンダッツTVCM クリスピーサンド「カジる。アガる。」篇 15秒 キャラメル版-0-12-screenshot

CM Overview

Häagen-Dazs Japan Co., Ltd. began airing a new TV commercial featuring Takeru Sato, “Crispy Sandwich Bite. Get Excited,” on January 30, 2024. This commercial depicts Takeru Sato enjoying the crispy sandwich “The Rich Caramel,” and expresses the rich taste and crunchy texture of the caramel along with light music. In the commercial scene, Sato is shown enjoying the sensation of the caramel becoming richer with each bite.

CM capture

ハーゲンダッツTVCM クリスピーサンド 佐藤健

CM video

CM cast

  • Sato Takeru


In the new commercial, Sato Takeru conveys the feeling of excitement every time he takes a bite, conveying to viewers the unique eating experience that the combination of caramel and crispy sandwiches brings. His expressive acting emphasizes the deliciousness of the product and appeals directly to consumers.

ハーゲンダッツTVCM クリスピーサンド「カジる。アガる。」篇 15秒 キャラメル版-0-12-screenshot

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