Daisuke Miyagawa and Mayu Hotta appear in new commercial for Sapporo Draft Beer Nanamaru


CM Overview

Sapporo Breweries Ltd., a group company of Sapporo Holdings Ltd., will air a new commercial, “Eat Maru. Drink Maru.”, nationwide from May 21st, to coincide with the renewal of “Sapporo Draft Beer Nanamaru.” “Sapporo Draft Beer Nanamaru” is the first draft beer in Japan to achieve 70% less purine and carbohydrates, and has been enjoyed by many customers since its release last year. The new commercial, which will air from May 21st, will continue to feature Miyagawa and Hotta, and is aimed at people who want to take care of their health but feel guilty because they can’t help but drink and eat, and the slogan “Eat Maru. Drink Maru.” expresses the ability to enjoy delicious draft beer and food without having to endure. Pay attention to the expressions on their faces as they sip on the two delicious, just-right off-beat “Sapporo Nanamaru Draft Beer.”

CM capture

ナナマル 「たべてマル。のんでマル。」篇_横田真悠、宮川大助2

CM video

ナナマル 「たべてマル。のんでマル。」篇 15秒 日本初(注1)となるプリン体(注2)・糖質(注3)70%オフの生ビール「サッポロ生ビール ナナマル」。今回のリニューアルでさらに飲みごたえがアップしました。カラダのこと...

CM Cast

  • Daisuke Miyagawa, Mayu Hotta


Daisuke Miyagawa and Mayu Hotta appear in the new TV commercial “Sapporo Draft Beer Nanamaru” to introduce the appeal of beer. The commercial will be aired and distributed on TV and the web from May 21st, and shows the two enjoying beer and a meal. Please pay attention to the expressions of the two people as they enjoy beer and food with the motto “Eat Maru. Drink Maru.”



いいね または フォローしてね!

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