
New Cup Noodle “Kuse-Uma” commercial featuring SUSHIBOYS begins airing


CM Overview

The Nissin Foods Group will begin airing a new TV commercial for the Cup Noodle “Kuse-uma Series” nationwide from May 24, 2024. The new commercial will introduce the various flavors of Cup Noodles along with Toki Chiaki’s pop illustrations, set to the song “OMG” by SUSHIBOYS. “Kuse-uma” contains a message that affirms individuality.

CM capture

カップヌードルCM「クセ旨 篇」30秒_SUSHIBOYS

CM video

CM Cast


**SUSHIBOYS** is a Japanese rap group formed in Ogose, Saitama in 2016. The members are FARMHOUSE, Santena, and neo yosikawa, who is a DJ, cameraman, manager, driver, and supervisor.
History and career
SUSHIBOYS is influenced by the worldview of the movie “The Matrix” and creates music with a unique style. Their music is characterized by humorous and satirical lyrics and unique beats. The unique concept of the number of plays being controlled by the government is also part of their appeal.
Major works
“NIGIRI” (2018)
“350” (2018)
“Shitara Hone” (2019)
“SUSHIBOYS no Nouwashu VOL.1” (2020)
“TAMAGO” (2017)
“WASABI” (2018)
Digital single
“Nandemo Dekiru” (2018)
“DRUG” (2019)
“Lumos Makishima” (2021)
“Shirokome” (2023)
Live performance
SUSHIBOYS is also well-known for their live performances. In particular, their unique performance of throwing duck-shaped rubber boats into the audience is popular with fans.
Recent Activities
Recently, they released the single “Shirokome” in July 2023. They are also active on YouTube and social media, and are supported by many fans.
For more information, please refer to the following link:
SUSHIBOYS – Wikipedia
SUSHIBOYS Official Website


In the new TV commercial “Kuse-Uma” SUSHIBOYS appears and introduces the appeal of the Cup Noodle “Kuse-Uma Series” to the song “OMG”. The commercial will be aired and distributed on TV and the web from May 24th, and the highlight is the content that symbolizes diversity.


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