
Art Nature’s new commercial “Yourself in x months” starring Atsuro Watanabe begins airing


CM Overview

Art Nature Co., Ltd. will begin airing a new TV commercial, “Yourself in X Months,” nationwide from June 14, 2024. In the new commercial, Atsuro Watanabe encourages troubled men while introducing the appeal of “HAIR UNION,” a system that gradually increases hair.

CM capture

CM video

【薄毛対策】HAIR UNION 〇ヵ月後の自分篇 30秒【アートネイチャー】 「薄くなってきた生え際やつむじが気になる…」、「もうごまかせない…」そんなあなたへ、どんな薄毛悩みも確実に解決し、理想のヘアスタイルへ導く段階増毛システム、HAIR U...

CM cast

  • Watabe Atsuro

Watabe Atsuro (born May 5, 1968) is a Japanese actor, film director, and narrator from Shinjuku, Tokyo. He debuted in 1987 and has appeared in many films and TV dramas. His agency is Stardust Promotion.
TV Drama
“Keizoku” (1999) – Starring as Toru Mayama
“Surgeon Shugoro Hatamura” (2004-2016) – Starring as Shugoro Hatamura
“Alice’s Thorn” (2014) – Starring as Shingo Nishikado
“Hirugao: Love Affairs in the Afternoon” (2014) – Starring as Yuichiro Kitano
“Quiet Life” (1995) – Starring as Hideo Oba
“Financial Corruption Island [Curse]” (1999) – Starring as Yuichi Takagi
“Hero Interview” (1994) – Yamamoto Mitsuru
Snow White Murder Case (2014) – Nakamura Takeshi
Voice actor
Finding Nemo (2003) – Marlin (Japanese dub)
Tangled (2010) – Flynn Rider (Japanese dub)
Full Metal Jacket (2001) – Joker (Japanese dub)
Jurassic World (2015) – Owen (Japanese dub)
Watabe Atsuro – Wikipedia


In the new TV commercial “Yourself in x months”, Atsuro Watanabe suddenly appears in a man’s room, encouraging him with the words “Don’t worry, just start”, and showing him what he will be like in the future in one month, three months, and six months. The commercial will be aired and distributed on TV and the web from June 14th.


いいね または フォローしてね!

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