
E-design Insurance’s new commercials starring Abe Sadao, “Accident Impact Detection System”, “Estimate Doctor”, and “Safe Driving Support with App” have begun airing


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Edesign Insurance Co., Ltd. will release new web commercials, “Accident Impact Detection System,” “Estimate Doctor,” and “Safe Driving Support with App,” on June 20, 2024, and will begin airing nationwide from July 1. In the new commercials, Abe Sadao conveys the appeal of various services with his comical acting.

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CM Cast

  • Abe Sadao

Abe Sadao (real name Abe Takashi, born April 23, 1970) is a Japanese actor and musician from Matsudo, Chiba Prefecture. He is a member of the theater company “Otona Keikaku” and is known as a talented actor who has played a variety of roles in movies, TV dramas, and stage plays. He also works as the vocalist of the band “Group Soul”. He is affiliated with “Otona Keikaku”.
TV Drama
“Iryu – Team Medical Dragon-“ (2006, 2007, 2010, 2014) – Fujiyoshi Keisuke
“Marumo no Okite” (2011) – Starring as Takagi Mamoru
“We May Be Ashamed to Run Away, But It’s Useful” (2016) – Tsuzaki Hiramasa
“My Story is Long” (2019) – Starring as Kishibe Mitsuru
“Maiko Haaaan!!!” (2007) – Starring as Onizuka Kimihiko
“Nakumonika” (2009) – Starring as Shimodaira Hiroshi
“Kamui Gaiden” (2009) – Fudo role
Her Love Boils Bathwater (2016) – Torii role
Other Activities
Musical Activities: As the vocalist of the band “Group Soul”, Abe is active in the band. He has released many albums and is also active in live performances.
Stage: Abe has appeared in many stage productions, especially in the performances of the theater company “Otona Keikaku”.
Japan Academy Award Best Actor (2018, “Birds Without Names”)
Blue Ribbon Award Best Actor (2007, “Maiko Haaaan!!!”)
Nikkan Sports Film Award Best Actor (2017, “Birds Without Names”)
Abe Sadao is an actor loved by many fans for his outstanding acting skills and sense of humor. He also has a wide range of talents in music. Abe Sadao – Wikipedia …


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